4 February, 2022

I want love
I want joy
I want happiness and ease and laughter and peace
These are a destination
And the getting there is a journey
Your vehicle for your journey is your body
And the road you travel is life
This life
Right now
And in your pursuit of your destination
You’ll experience these things AND they’ll be your end game
Lets talk about Anxiety
Because so many of you feel it
So many of you have it
So many of you know it
When you can make friends with it
It’s no longer a threat
It’s a companion
It can be a tool towards happiness and freedom
Not a desperate suffocation
If you can treat your anxiety like a clue to who you want to become
As opposed to who you are
It serves you
You make it a beautiful empathic energy that holds your hand
Not leads the dance
If it’s something that consumes you and takes over
And is ever present
Then it’s time to invite it in and embrace it’s true spirit
When your thoughts become things
And the only power is that of the current moment
And what you focus on grows and expands and gains momentum
And you’re filling all of those with Anxiety
We’re just guessing…..
But you’re busy growing something you don’t really want
If you can make your belief
That anxiety is my friend
NOT my enemy
NOT my downfall
NOT a negative
But this extraordinary dance I do with myself
This warm hug that never leaves
A constant unyielding love
A pure expression of inspiration and ignition
A positive process toward peace
You make friends
You see each other as equals
You are holding onto something that grows you
Relax into it’s existence
Know it can serve you
Not destroy you
It’s the desperate, negative, uncomfortable, manic nature you believe it has
That is where you get stuck
That belief can be altered, modified, or rejected
Your natural instinct is not to discourage LOVE
Or inspiration
Or friendship
Anxiety can be all these
Simply call it by a different name
Start to tell it’s story differently
Try to make peace
Embrace it’s freedom
And as you do
You will feel more ease
You will realise the synergy you two share is filled with insight and inspiration
As humans , your thoughts and language and feelings of anxiety
Just may not serve you
Change this
We absolutely know, that if you can attempt this one action
All that follow will take you to a better feeling place
You don’t need to tell yourself that your anxiety is a threat
You don’t need to spend your time running from it
Slow down
Walk with it
It’s not about escape
Its about embrace
Give each other a hug
This beautiful body you have
Has a clear expression
That will actually guide you , not destroy you
Make peace
Consider for just one moment that anxiety is just a feeling like any other
Allow it to be equal
Know it’s an expression of self love
If you can find this as your thought
You can make peace with yourself
Breathe deeply
You are whole
You are enough
And together, you got this
If you believe this to be rubbish
Ask yourself, if you feel the same about LOVE
Like all friendships or partnerships or relationships
It takes time to get to know and relate to each other
And the ones you cherish are the ones you protect
Perhaps your anxiety is simply a characteristic of your unique brilliance
A painter , or musician , or parent , would never question or ignore a part of their process that contributed to their success
Allow the possibility
That your expansion may happen through what you choose to call anxiety
And know that for humans
Your success
Is evident when you really know the self
And all your characteristics
Are part of the self
We adore every square inch of you
Inside and out
Breathe Beings
Make it play, not hard work
Be curious
Take a look
Entertain something new
Much love
26 August 2020