” You’re a What Now?? “
10 Dec , 2024Two of the most asked questions I get lately are “Lost your password?” Which clearly comes from a device And “What do you do?” Which mostly comes from a person And when I think about how to answer the later It often crosses my mind, first...
” The year of YES “
21 Nov , 2024Hey there! I made a post last week And someone asked…… “ Where have you been??” In short “I been BUSY" Yeah, busy BEING! Being “Me” I decided a year ago to do some study To deliberately stretch my “spiritual self” And to follow a path...
“The Other Side”
14 November , 2024I’ve consciously realised lately…. In the realms of personal growth New learning Life exploration Seeking greater understanding And lasting engagement with all things being human "I lean in" I head straight for stuff Sometimes the eye of the storm...
A I ?
1 December , 2023You have at your disposal a means of connection that can assist you in your daily life Many of you have mixed feelings about its capabilities Or in fact its use or effectiveness A lot of you have not attempted to use it and see absolutely no use for...
But What if
24 November , 2023You have this way of saying BUT! What if…… As in, What if this happens!!? Or But, what if That DOESN'T happen!!???? It’s a pointless exercise Either way Fear leads you to places That don’t exist Well they didn’t Until you actioned them with your...
Make the Moment
8 November , 2023This moment is what you make it It’s important when you’re looking for answers or seeking change to find someone or something that speaks your language To align yourself with that which makes sense to you Or brings you peace or contentment in it’s...
Welcome to the Newbies
23 Sept , 2023After yesterdays post…… This morning a brand new Being Made their presence known They call themselves “Kismet” And here’s what they had to say…. “To truly love another You must love the self The source of all love Is Self Love...
Knock Knock
22 Sept , 2023Today when I woke up There were people waiting to chat Just like most days I meet new people everyday There’s a steady stream of them They approach me throughout the day While I’m doing the washing Driving the car Cooking dinner They are all...
Just Flippin Freaking Out
4 Sept , 2023Why am I doing this? Today it applies to business Why am I bothering What am I doing??? Yes, there are reasons Of course there’s reasons….. I’m as skilled as the next guy At connecting the dots Or making my time sound like it's worth...
Think Energy
26 August , 2023The mind thinks, and the body follows The mind is the thinking mechanism The body is the doing mechanism Thought is of the body In this way This connection is a human manifestation It is one of the many unique things you experience and explore...
The Magic of Music
18 August , 2023We’ve just spoken about language And NO this isn’t a reprimand about swearing….. Cause that’s not as important to us as it is to some of you But what is of importance What matters enormously And we not only CARE about But LOVE Is another form of...
17 August , 2023S elf E manating L ove F orce In the space of Self Help And Personal Growth And Life Coaching There’s hundreds If not thousands , of people out there saying the same thing What’s important Is that you find someone you resonate with Someone...
Your “Normal”
16 August , 2023We would love you to explore your own “normal” What you consider to be the fundamentals Or even the insignificant beliefs and foundation to your thinking To get curious To stretch yourselves Regularly There are people all around you exploring...
“What’s the deal with Cancer & are we going to find a cure?”
1 August, 2023" What's the deal with cancer & are we going to find a cure? " Let's just get down to it Cause we don't know that you're going to like what we have to explain It's probably going to be uncomfortable Your responses, may even add to the issue......
Crazy Little Things
17 July , 2023I’m crazy for the little things And then I’m just plain crazy….. I know this I accept it It’s fine with me I’m standing in my kitchen Cause I’m cooking dinner And it’s during the mundane And the everyday, that they love to drop in Maybe...
29 June , 2023Just what is it What’s the big deal Feelings are your bodys’ internal guidance system Intuition is your spiritual guidance system Your energy consciousness It tethers you to all you are in this lifetime And every other in your experience ...
Back to Base
18 June , 2023Hey there! Hope you’re all doing ok Well , actually better than ok Great! Why not, right? Life’s good You’ve got one Have at it! Anyway….. Just been sitting here ruminating on mine And what’s been going on What’s been showing up And I feel...
World Domination
17 June , 2023You want to rule the world Or be the master of the universe When you haven’t even mastered how your “own” body works You want to be in charge Why are you so obsessed with ownership Especially of others Particularly when you haven’t made peace with...
R e s p e c t
16 June , 2023Never respect someone or something else At the expense of disrespecting yourself In essence Respect for others starts and ends With the level of care, concern, and value you place on the self The way and degree of consideration and self love...
Being Bodies
11 May , 2023Let’s talk bodies As in What you can do with them (And if you must And your thoughts take you there This is where sex will join the conversation…..) And this will lead us to why they’re important Why you have them Their purpose Apparently Needs to...
Own it
17 April , 2023Think of a duck swimming You can see what’s happening above the water line What you don’t know or can’t always see Is what’s going on below the surface The fun Is in wanting to find out You multitask all day long for the things you love...
Concepts that Create Content
20 Mar , 2023We want to talk about a few basic concepts And how they feed into your greater thinking How they connect And then manifest In your lives Lets start with personal responsibility This is you being accountable for you Owning your choices Because you...
Day 7
16 Mar , 2023After 7 days..... Here’s what I think ( For now ) I know that my thoughts shape my life I know I’m adaptable I know what real joy is And for me It’s found in the small, spontaneous, random happenings Puppies are priceless And wearing socks...
Day 6
15 Mar , 2023When seeking change Be mindful To aim for things that are doable There’s no point in going too big Too soon Or aiming for an end result That really needs steps along the way I was reminded today (Thanks Hope) Of saying once “Who swallows a whole...
Day 5
14 Mar , 2023It’s short and sweet Cause today was a consolidation More a remembering Than new thoughts It was reconnecting Not introducing The same thought kept greeting me Just reinventing itself In as many ways As I could ignore it Persistant little...
Day 4
13 Mar , 2023Did a lot of driving today Long way in one direction And then back the other way Great day for me I love to drive I love the freedom of it Especially, on my own in the car I think I appreciate that I’m allowed to just focus on the one task...
Day 3
12 Mar , 2023Socks You ever think about them?...... They started out as something Quite different They were all pretty much the same Similar shape Maybe different lengths Pretty much made of only a few different materials Hand made They’re...
Day 2
11 Mar , 2023Today is the weekend and I’m not sure if the recesses of my mind just simply relax knowing that or I’m getting better at letting go quickly The skeptic in me says “Watch this space” It’s been a gorgeous Saturday Although it’s hot The weather just...
Day 1
10 Mar , 2023Following the events of yesterday I’ve decided to take the next 7 days as an opportunity to reset my thinking To just relax into whatever comes to mind Quite literally And to absolutely allow Whatever comes up To just BE It’s all for the purpose of...
Dirty Laundry
9 Mar , 2023Do you ever wonder How it is At just the right moment Life offers up the kick in the pants you needed Or how your everyday Seems to sync with your every need I don’t Cause I’m a trained professional I’ve been doing this a long time Falling...
Let Me help You help Me
8 Mar , 2023In the last few weeks 100% of our sessions and discussions have been about the same topic, in one format or another The same underlying theme exists to all of them different people different scenarios different attitudes different lifestyles This...
You do YOU
2 Feb , 2023In the last few days I needed reminding that...... - The internet is only great when you use it wisely - I'm human - Comparing yourself is pointless - Life, no mater how it's going , is a process - Use contrast as inspiration , not replication - And Hope...
Think about it
23 Jan , 2023Lots of you are busy choosing more Wanting for yourselves Feeling better about who you are Growing and expanding your lives By deliberately organising your thoughts And creating powerful relationships With yourself And in turn All those you come into...
The 2 tool Kit
19 Jan , 2023Well…. Maybe it’s more of a Tool belt….. Makes for easier access And quickdraw action Could be quite the fashion accessory….. Regardless! You have 2 tools that are all you need for a life of freedom and joy (wear them how you wish ) And they...
” All the Feels “
7 Jan , 2023Don’t be afraid to feel It was put in place to guide you To assist in your decision making To harness the joy of the moment And to allow you to really understand yourselves To react to it in any other way but with acceptance Limits it’s experience...
and Relax
27 Dec , 2022The other day " someone " Who shall remain nameless It’s that , or join witness protection Said to me , in the midst of my hustle “ Just relax! ” It’s been said to me before By different people In different situations And sometimes it’s meant for...
24 Dec , 2022Hi there As your year of 2022 winds down And the next feels imminent We want to wish you all the things you’d wish for yourselves We hope you find joy in all you can be , do , or have , in these moments And regardless of your beliefs or tradition...
” More “
10 Dec , 2022Never ask for more at the cost of becoming less When we say “ask for more” we mean seeking more - of the good stuff By this , we mean , the stuff that lights you up That creates feelings of joy , peace, clarity , wellbeing , connection, synergy ,...
My Wonderful Life
25 Nov , 2022Ok, so get ready Theres’s going to be a rambling….. You can either settle in or switch off or even check out Especially if you’re gonna have tunnel vision….. Today In this moment I’m Kate, the human AKA: not Master of the Universe Let alone the...
See Yourself
27 Oct , 2022To create with ease You have to be able to see yourself in the version of your life that has your want If you can’t imagine yourself there You are still creating a match to the energy you are already in What you are busy creating is more of...
No 1 Belief
17 Oct , 2022When we talk about expansion And growing who you are And living a life that you love And moving toward change that creates more of what you want and less of what you don’t And we say “You decide” "You get to choose” “You are in charge” And...
In Real Time
1 Oct , 2022Here at BBK we like to put our money where our mouth is So Guess what I get to be the crash test dummy Anyone who knows me Knows my insatiable love of dogs In particular, our Dog, Dennis He’s sincerely a part of our family His contribution to the...
R&R directions
30 Sept , 2022You are ALL No matter your age Despite your beliefs Directly opposed to what you think you know with all certainty now Still finding your way The things and premises you genuinely believe to be true and correct and of service to you in this moment...
Baggage Luggage or both
24 August , 2022 Have you got Baggage , Luggage or both What are they even Do you know? Can you be open with yourself about what ,which , and if...... For starters, baggage is the stuff you drag around after you It’s outdated thoughts and feelings...
Grow & Connect
20 July , 2022Life Your day to day Is all about connection How you relate to others and life around you Is about your connection to self How well do you know you? How much are you listening to your own body? How in sync are you with your energy? What is your...
My Story
18 July , 2022My story Is the dialogue I have with myself The way I look at life the choices I make the beliefs I carry The things I believe about myself The way I see others the limitations I feel the excuses I make It’s either the noise I add to or the Bliss I...
A Parent VS Apparent
10 June , 2022So There's a lot of chatter And deliberate seeking We are asked often And We discuss openly..... We explore this one topic more than any other You have so many questions and queries surrounding it And almost all are answered and responded to in the same...
Finding Things to Fix
9 May , 2022Your life is a great forum for Personal Growth The act of expanding and evolving who you are and how you present The action of being , doing , or having experiences That help you stretch and discover and explore and master and accomplish Any number of...
Mindset Matters
6 May , 2022We can hear you asking What the heck is that? And who cares? Well , maybe YOU do Depending on your MINDSET Your Mindset is a bunch of beliefs And you use them to negotiate Life and your Self They help you make sense of what you can be , do ,...
New Thought Coaching Available NOW
21 April , 2022Let's talk about thinking How you're taught it How you are taught about it from your first breath Your frame of reference in the world re: thinking came from your parents/caregivers They taught what they knew What they thought At the time ...
Why do I have to deal with crap that annoys Me?
8 April , 2022Why do I have to deal with crap that annoys me ? Ok , at the risk of annoying you….. Firstly , we’d like to tell you “ that you don’t ” As in , you don’t have to deal with anything that annoys you Let’s be clear It’s a choice you make Let’s...
Feeling F low
7 April , 2022You are a physical Being As a physical Being you emit a vibration And your vibration attracts to it , energy that’s either the same or similar What dominates your energy , and how it flows or shows up , are your feelings When you feel something , your...
It’s just Me
4 April , 2022Hi It’s me Kate Tonight I was reminded how life supports me How it always has That’s not to say I don’t know despair or feeling lost or even down right depressed And throughout my life I’ve had good reason My experience has had it’s share of events that...
SOS (save our selves)
20 March , 2022A lifeline is only that if you are reaching for it There’s no point offering something to someone who’s not open to receiving or not ready to acknowledge it’s existence or need of it You won’t value it , if you already have it or you don’t...
Ok We get it
24 February, 2022Ok We Get It You’re… Sad Anxious Angry Confused Pissed Off Ashamed Exhausted Lonely Scared Hurt Numb Alone But Do You Want To Stay There ? If the answer is NO You have already created change You are busy moving toward something else...
“How To Want” Hacks
15 February, 2022First decide your WANT Then it’s important to attach yourself to it If you’re a vibrational match to your want , it’s in your energy already It’s finding it’s way to you Try to imagine the look and feel of it How the being , doing , or having it ,...
Want or Whim Vibration
11 February, 2022There is a difference between pondering something & adopting it Considering a subject Acting on it And taking it as your truth Are all exclusive vibrations When something is your dominant vibration IT , becomes your point of attraction When you...
How is it Ok to Constantly Want for Yourself?
9 February, 2022How is it Ok to Constantly Want for Yourself ? Hope: Who else would you “ want ” for ? Others! Hope: And why would you want for others ? Because it’s a nice thing to do…....... And because I love them Hope: We are happy for you , that you know the...
Energy Is the New You
7 February, 2022You can think yourself INTO Or OUT OF anything The power of Belief It’s been shown to you Many times Many ways Over the course of your history You seek it out You run from it It’s nothing new And never gets old So many of you want proof What...
4 February, 2022I want love I want joy I want happiness and ease and laughter and peace These are a destination And the getting there is a journey Your vehicle for your journey is your body And the road you travel is life This life Right now And in your pursuit of...
It’s Alright
22 January, 2022You have this saying “ It’s Alright ” You use it to soothe To acknowledge others actions As a response to behaviour Good and Bad It’s widely used In a vast array of circumstances But do you really grasp it’s value It’s essence Just how accurate...
” Why Are We Here? “
18 January, 2022" Why are we Here? " Great question Thanks for asking In short we’d love to throw it straight back to you & ask WHY NOT ?! But lets explore Lets peel back the layers Lets really get up close Because you asked And because we can ...
Love your Wellbeing
14 December, 2021 Let's talk Love Devotion Sensation Dogs Wellbeing And how they connect This one’s from Kate Well , for Kate She was our inspiration We’d like to remind her And reassure her For no other reason Than we can That where she's at , is exactly...
The Resistance
13 December, 2021 Some of you are simply a Vibrational Match to “wanting” So , you just keep wanting And your reward in motion is that you have lots of wants & don’t actually ever achieve any one of them apart from the original Which was to have a bunch of...
A Note from our Sponsor
12 December, 2021Hi It’s me , Kate So , today , Hope said this: " To create change You have to observe & notice your own behaviour And often you do this by observing others You see first in others , what you ignore in yourselves This Contrast , or reflection , is...
The Vortex & Meditation
11 December, 2021 Lets talk about this thing called a "Vortex" & how it’s all connected to being ….and then meditation Ok , so having a physical body Is A mazing! But if all you ever do over the course of your life , is move further & further away...
The Power of Positive Vibes
10 December, 2021 When you’re looking for answers And trust us when we say , you all are It’s just whether you’re doing it consciously With deliberate intent Or coasting with the flow of any old thing that greets you It’s crucial , to find someone , or...
Just Thinking
9 December, 2021 If you want to move on Or create something different Or stop being stuck Or are sick of what you have... From a place of lack The only action you need take is to start thinking Contemplating actually Not even complete thoughts Just what...
Being “the Best”
8 December 2021Being the best at something Is strictly a human thing As humans , you have this ridiculous standard that has to declare Some One Some thing One singular As " The Best " And then you wonder why “ you ” As in you As in one person As in one thing...
Remember To Be Grateful
7 December , 2021 Most of you find it easy to want To ask for things To send a vibration of desire So many of you , see the exercise as a 2 step process I ask I get I ask I get And repeat And repeat And this works Constantly Without exception...
Ask & You Shall Receive
6 December , 2021 This Fundamental In essence , could not be any simpler Ask & You Shall Receive It is law Law of Attraction The sticking point is that so many of you have absolutely no awareness of what you’re asking for That you are in effect , magnets...
5 December , 2021 By your own definition , “ Contrast ” is just difference And it’s really functional You’ll create your own Contrast And you’ll draw on each other’s to help make choices & decisions Being curious creates Contrast & leads you to it for...
Feel Your Way
4 December , 2021 Do what feels good & reach for what feels better Every thought you have Every decision you make Everything you do While you are busy being Will have a feeling attached This is your point of attraction doing it’s thing Whatever...
Creating anything starts with a Thought
3 December , 2021 In your wildest dreams , what do you want If you can think , or imagine it , it can happen Ok , so this is where it all starts Let's not overthink it Just know That Thoughts Become Things This is why , it’s what you think that counts...
The Well Being
2 December , 2021 Wellbeing is your natural state of Being All that exists , is connected to the constant steady stream of Ultimate Wellbeing Just what does that mean? Start with the premise that , all that exists , is energy Forget the shapes it...
Finding “Joy”
1 December, 2021 Life is meant to be fun You deliberately decided to come here to explore and experience all it has to offer Life isn’t something that’s happening to you It was always advertised as a response to your wants A reflection of your creation...