New Thought Coaching Available NOW
21 April , 2022
Let’s talk about thinking
How you’re taught it
How you are taught about it from your first breath
Your frame of reference in the world re: thinking came from your parents/caregivers
They taught what they knew
What they thought
At the time
If you were rebellious or curious , you tested those beliefs
But a lot of you
Didn’t completely sever the thoughts when you moved on or away from them
You need to create your own from that point
As in , a completely separate belief that you are 100% invested in
And then allow the old belief to exist for someone else
Choice means you are not equipped to carry the same beliefs as a standard
You have to choose for yourselves
So you can invest in that
As in “we all get to choose”
Or hold the pattern of a dual belief
One you were taught and don’t agree with
AND the one you want to reach for
Either way , it’s a mixed message
Or maybe you did half the job
You decided not to accept what you were taught
But didn’t replace it with a new belief
Which means
You’re really working under the premise of the old belief because it’s still your dominant vibration
Everything you’ve been taught
Came from someone else
It was a pattern that was repeated
That’s what your parents/caregivers believed
Because it’s what they were taught
So they taught it to you
That’s what they decided to believe
And because they believed it
They thought it was valuable
So they taught it to you
At the very least
You were taught to believe that what happens to you
And how something turns out
Is all there is
There’s no way to change stuff
But there is
You just firstly , haven’t realised
And secondly , attempted to do so
Your core belief as humans in the world
Is that you have no control
Or limited control
Over your life and existence
When in actuality
You hold all the control
And it starts with how you think
How you think about what you think
When you think it
If you think it
What you choose to think
Is all there is
You don’t even actually exist as you believe you do
You are energy
A stream of energy in the shape of a human
And energy is not governed by limitation
It has none
It is fluid
And unrestrained
It exists , so therefore it is
It’s not about time
As in , for how long
Because time doesn’t exist
It’s a fabrication of human belief
And to acknowledge it’s presence
could only be done in a meaningful way
if you allow the belief that it’s not linear
that it’s not quantifiable
What you’ve all learnt about till now is limitation
How to experience it
How to create it
How to use it to control
Both yourselves
And others
When you remove limitation
All that you can imagine is possible
And for most of you
You let that create fear
We tell you
You can have a life without limitation
That you can create at will
And you choose to create fear
And that is a reaction to compounded teaching
You fear what you don’t know
You want to have boundaries
You want to be told what to do
Or more to the point , you believe you do
The last 2 years of your lives have shown you this
The last few years of your time is a result of your own making
You created the initial event
And then carried on from there
You’re still doing it
If what has just occurred doesn’t prompt you to stretch your thinking
And explore who you are
And what you want
And what beliefs you’re going to carry forward with you
As a choice
We’re not sure what you’re going to create next
To give yourselves permission to do so
Was a gift
It was given in the hope of exploring more
From another vantage point
To play in a different sandbox
With new toys
For a long while
Most of you wanted the boundaries to be firm
To be in place
And for there to be control by punishment
When you attempted to go beyond them
Most of you thought this was best
There’s always been a small percentage of you who push back
Who dream
Who wonder
Who think differently
The scales are tipping
The numbers are growing
There are those who want more
They are realising that the math isn’t adding up
That what they’re doing and saying and feeling
Doesn’t belong to them
They don’t own it
They don’t believe it
And it has them asking
You’ve used your time to highlight “injustices”
To your planet
To each other
The only injustice
Is believing
That anything you can be , do , or have
Is static
Pain , sacrifice , struggle are not growth
They are a signal
A sign
A precursor
That there is room for growth
When you struggle you are not growing
When you feel pain toward or about struggle
You are not growing
When you choose to continue
Despite how you feel
Because it’s able to change
When you acknowledge the power of your choice for the pain in the first place
And only then
Is there unlimited
There are millions of reasons and scenarios for pain and struggle
Primarily , it’s been taught
That if you want something bad enough
You must be prepared to feel pain to acquire it
You must keep struggling until you achieve it
If you can survive all that , you deserve whatever you were reaching for
This belief
Is simply a habit
One you enjoy
Or not
Either way
Most of you still continue to believe it
Or you certainly act like you do
You keep doing it
You continue to say so
What if life was NOT about struggle or pain or sacrifice
What then
What if all you had to do to acquire anything
Was be grateful when it arrived
Over and over
Simply choose
Give thanks
And repeat
Guess what!
If you choose to consider something outside what you’ve already got going on
Let us know
We’ll be here
In fact that’s why we are
Enough of you want to explore more
Your energy created a vibration
We respond to like minded energy
So here we are
Much love