R&R directions
30 Sept , 2022

You are ALL
No matter your age
Despite your beliefs
Directly opposed to what you think you know with all certainty now
Still finding your way
The things and premises you genuinely believe to be true and correct and of service to you in this moment
May change in the next
It is the way of things
It’s how your energy works
It’s universal law
That nothing is static
Nothing stays the same
Change is just expansion
And expansion is growth
And growth is good
Don’t freak out
Don’t start hyperventilating
REALLY listen to what we are sharing
THINK it through
There’s peace and calm and joy in the absolute meaning of what we’re saying
Pull your thoughts back from panic
Or at least hit the pause or go slow mode on your remote
Right here
Right now
We will impart the difference between the real you
And the one you believe yourself to be
We offer freedom like you have never known
We will put it in your own terms
Speak your language
Say it as you would
Explain in terms you can google
There are 2 words
Yes , just two
That are relevant right here
Lets look at them
Keep your attention here
Stay with us
(You can google in a minute)
(Just to see if we’re telling the truth)
(And before you get bent out of shape because you already KNOW what they mean)
(Stay focused)
Is the mad scary exchange you’re having with yourself right now perhaps
Where you are actioning any number of physical things with your body
Let alone the pretzel you’re twisting your mind into
About what you think you think
About what we’re saying
You are behaving like the person who’s run out in traffic
If you’d like a breather
Or some relief from all that…..
Put it down
Step away from it
Come over here
Look at us
NOW breathe
and again
and again
and now
You are about to open the door to RESPONSE
The difference
Quite simply
And NO
It’s not difficult
It’s just a habit
Like any other action or behaviour you participate in
Your lives are a succession of habits
Strung together
Happening all the time
It’s your bodies actioning at the minds instruction
If your “Go To” instruction is
But if you can just make a pact with yourself
To try something new
To absolutely , 100% , do nothing other than make breathing your next move
You will very quickly
Be in the realm of Response
While you’re here
Play out a few different scenarios
Hell , make up stuff that could be the meaning
to what’s just occurred
Or what you’re thinking about
There are LITERALLY millions of reasons that can be given to any one event
Endless thoughts you can register as the belief for any occasion
And , if you’re fluid
And responsive
And want the best for yourself
In this place
between Reaction
and Response
You could do a whole lot worse
Than cycle through some of them to see how they fit
Take the thought or the action that’s causing such disruption or distress
And think it through to a number of conclusions
Play it out in your head
It’s a “ let’s just say”
Kind of thing
If you can arrest your thoughts and your energy
Just long enough to consider the scenarios
The chances are better than great
That what you were reacting to
Isn’t what’s actually happening
That you have the absolute power to contain and control the outcome
And for the record
The outcome
Is the belief you carry forward
” Your Response “
No decent beliefs are created in the midst of the event
In the whirlpool of Reaction
Your thoughts are scattered
And often incoherent
They certainly don’t come from the best version of yourself
They are often based in fear or other extreme emotions
And just exacerbate or make things worse
Not better
Your beliefs are built
From the thoughts you keep on repeat
If a thought keeps happening and it feels uncomfortable
STOP thinking it
It’s your choice
You decide
Give whatever the subject is
A different meaning
One that resonates with you
One that soothes
Or at least lets your butt unclench
Don’t over complicate this
It’s really all about letting go
Maybe circling back
or not…
Some things just aren’t worth the attention
In fact EVERYTHING , in the moment
If it’s creating your crazy
Isn’t worthy of attention
Until later
Until you’re breathing with ease
Without the oxygen mask
Cause then, the ambulance has left the scene
You’re wrapped in a blanket
And the firefighters have gone home
So , as we said
You are all finding your way
about different things
at different times
in different ways
But there’s no denying
We can’t make you
We won’t want it for you
We will however
Tell you with absolute assurance
If you master how you behave toward ANYTHING your life throws at you
Your life will really feel like it’s yours
You will know what absolute power feels like
Reactions don’t deserve a bad wrap
They have purpose
They create Contrast
( Remember…. Contrast is “ Every other opinion or life choice that exists as different or in opposition to yours ” )
Both yours and the Reactions of others
Personally and collectively , you are all adding to the escrow of what’s on offer
The wellspring of what’s out there to experience
Whether you pursue any of it
Or not
Is up to you
Without something existing
You can’t make choice over whether or not you want to participate
Reaction creates sharing
And assists decision making
Now , the disclaimer
Is this :
If what you are faced with is something that creates ABSOLUTE JOY
Have at it
Cause that crap , is contagious
And deserves to be shared
And spill over
And ignite others
And be out there
Bearing this is mind
We sincerely hope your days are filled to overflowing
Much love