SOS (save our selves)
20 March , 2022
A lifeline is only that
if you are reaching for it
There’s no point offering something to someone
who’s not open to receiving
or not ready to acknowledge it’s existence or need of it
You won’t value it , if you already have it
or you don’t want it
Doesn’t matter if it’s free
Or even if it absolutely 100% works
or adds value
People don’t use stuff they don’t want
or don’t need
or aren’t invested in
Throwing a lifeline to a drowning person
has immediate results
They grab at it with both hands
Do the same for someone floating on their back before a tsunami hits and they’ll ignore you
In fact, they’ll probably bother to laugh at you
As humans , you have a habit of waiting till the last minute to engage
Which means so many of you are in complete distress before you action change
You’re not about the maintenance
The work along the way , that gradually and steadily builds stability
Assured results
The process of exploring techniques and information that makes life easier and constantly more flexible
The content that ensures constant growth and deliberate expansion
It’s nothing more than a habit
It’s learnt behaviour
It was taught
Or became your default
“ if it ain’t broke don’t fix it “
only applies to stuff that’s actually working
A lot of you are attempting to function fully as grit grinds your gears
You’ll upgrade , upscale, expand, research and invest in all nature of physical things
To have MORE
But you don’t ever consider doing this for the ultimate physical thing
You are a living breathing Being
You are constantly in a state of change
and this means you can do better
But only if you want to
WHY wouldn’t you want to……
Well that’s the kicker , isn’t it
We don’t know
Only you can answer that
For you
If you’re asking us
we would say…..
Stop seeking only to enhance external things
Look inside
Explore personal growth
It’s where all other growth stems from
and its the only form of lasting change in your total control
Most of you have absolutely NO idea of who you are , what you’re about, or what you are capable of
As human beings
In this universe
At this time
Let alone , what’s possible
And before you let yourselves run away with this
WE ARE NOT saying you need to turn your lives upside down
constantly contemplate your naval
turn your back on civilisation
or any other extreme, knee jerk reaction, that completely eclipses life as you know it
We are simply suggesting
You take a look
While you are living your life
Explore a little
Be open to some new ideas
Try some things on for size
You may just find some new fuel for your life
You might stumble across a way of being that brings so much joy
or makes so much sense
or repairs or inspires
Expand what you know
Even just take a real look at what you have as your current belief system
Give it a clean out
We guarantee , there will be stuff in there you no longer use
and even beliefs , you never actually subscribed to
They are simply hanging around taking up space and energy because they’ve always been there
Get rid of them
At the very least , see if they start up when you flick the switch
In your own frame of reference
“ it’s time “ people
Is all you’ve got
It’s as good a time as any
If not NOW
Stop putting it off
Stop prioritising other STUFF
A little daily maintenance can save major overhaul
Why wait for complete meltdown
or full blown stress to be your reason
Treat yourself with care and love and real affection
in this moment
and all that follow
Your lives are all about immediate gratification
You seek it
You expect it
From life
From others
and yet, you don’t action it from yourselves
You put things off
You make all kinds of excuses
If , in fact you recognise
or own the behaviour
Don’t worry about what others are doing
You are in charge of You
Be responsible
Personal accountability is all on you
and it’s all you have control over
Stop blaming others
Stop acting like it’s external
It’s not
And now is your time
To action and ignite inspiration from within
The Laws of the Universe will do their thing
always have
always will
They don’t need your acceptance
or permission
They simply are
And you love this and what they’re doing
When it serves you
Until you don’t
And you want to play the blame game
And pretend you have no say
We’ll tell you again
It’s all up to you
Just stop trying to choose for others
when you haven’t mastered how to choose for yourselves
and you are limited in your knowledge and understanding of what’s out there and at your disposal
What you focus on grows
Where you put your attention , creates
and what you have control over, is you
Place your attention there
You deal with you
They deal with them
And all the moving parts will continue to move in perfect harmony and synergy with each other
Trust us
It’s nothing new
It’s always been
You just haven’t noticed
Much love
20 March 2022