“The Other Side”
14 November , 2024
I’ve consciously realised lately….
In the realms of personal growth
New learning
Life exploration
Seeking greater understanding
And lasting engagement with all things being human
“I lean in”
I head straight for stuff
Sometimes the eye of the storm
Sometimes the bliss
As humans
There’s positive
And negative
Good & bad
Well, for me
Really, there’s just “empowering”
As in, what does and doesn’t
And then, how it does and how it doesn’t
Cause, even when something doesn’t empower you, the knowing that, DOES
So it all serves a purpose
It’s not so black and white
Yet another polarisation we have as humans
We’re really into this construct of one versus the other
Anyone live in the grey….
The space in between
It’s spacious
And comfortable
And less dramatic
Anyway, getting back to right versus wrong….
I believe
What’s positive for one
May be negative for another
And vice versa
Let me give you an example
Let’s use this actual version of problem solving or looking at life
that we’re talking about
So can you resonate with right and wrong?
Or is it just right or wrong not to include grey?
Personally, I can’t exist with only the 2 options
It’s just wrong
It’s limiting
For me, exposure with things that create extreme reaction or response
Feeds me, lights me up, has me leaning in
I want to explore
I want to get to the other side of it
For others – it can create fear, anxiety, uncertainty
They lean back, not forward
Or even push it away
I do what I do, because
I want to stretch myself
I love the learning
The achievement
I’m ok with where it takes me
I’m ok with uncomfortable, we’re friends at this stage
I’ll contemplate all sorts of options
(That doesn’t mean I’ll execute all of them, maybe not even ANY of them)
But I’ll look
I’ll think it through
I’ll engage with it in my thoughts
I’ll play the scenarios out in my head
Cause when I do this
I explore how it looks, feels, and ends
I get to discover, for me, the endless possibilities that could be contenders for actualities
Or my realities
That being said
I’m not fearless
I’m human
I know this emotion
I’m first hand familiar with it’s existence
I just won’t let it immobilise me
I feel the fear
And do it anyway
There may be pause
This may mean doing it slowly
Checking in more along the way
I can only do it
As I know how
As “Me”
The gift being
I’m a constant work in progress
My “best self” is always & forever
In motion
Ahead of me
Because I’ve committed to growth
Always & forever , constant organic action
Freed, fed and set forth from the moment before
The version that is continually upgrading
It just makes sense to me
To think like this
Always has
Even when I couldn’t own it deliberately
It’s served me
When I come up against “stuff”
That creates pause
Or scares me
I know, if I can just keep going
I WILL get to the other side of it
Whatever it is
I’ll pass through it
It’s assured I’ll reach the other side
And it’s always brighter
And freer
And full of hope and possibility
And I want that
And we’ll always want that for others too
Less fear, more freedom
Thanks for being “here”
Thanks for being “you”
Much love
Kate & Hope