The Well Being
2 December , 2021

Wellbeing is your natural state of Being
All that exists , is connected to the constant steady stream of Ultimate Wellbeing
Just what does that mean?
Start with the premise that , all that exists , is energy
Forget the shapes it takes , like humans & plants & oceans
There is a forever , healing , regenerative , balancing energy that exists
It’s a component of all energy
Physical or otherwise
It’s called , Ultimate Wellbeing
All energy flows from more energy
Ultimate Wellbeing , is energy , flowing energy
It’s the organic synergy of all creation always moving together
As humans , you consider your “ Health ” as your physical point of attraction to this flow
Ill health , or being unwell , is actually a sign that you’re resisting the flow or attempting to block it somehow
When you release the Resistance & allow the flow , you’ll see & feel the rhythm again
You’ll once again be a Vibrational Match to Wellbeing
You can’t get more health oriented or well being focused than to simply allow yourself to vibrate & hum with the pulse of the Universe
The Source , that all these different energies come from , or emerge from , is a forever vibration that reaches out & joins all that is created
A life force that never ceases & cannot be severed
This may be tricky for you to grasp because of your beliefs surrounding life & death
Where , you limit your perceptions to being finite
There’s really only spark , & then flame
Or creation & then expansion
Existence & growth
And the spark happening , or manifesting , comes with an inclusion , it’s existence is inclusive of Ultimate Wellbeing
That’s not an upgrade , downloadable content (DLC) , an update or after market
By definition of it’s being , it has Ultimate Wellbeing built in
It actually can’t exist without it
It’s just not how it works
It’s like playing an open world game & your base character is inclusive of Ultimate Wellbeing
It’s not something to add to your skill tree
And no , you don’t get a say
It’s law
Universal Law
Did anyone consult you about gravity or whether the sun comes up?
( Just kidding , you guys drafted the memo )
What you do get to play with
And sooooo many of you , do
Is whether or not you want to resist this premise
And just how far you’ll go to prove you’re right
Before , you realize you’re wrong
Or that you’re not having any fun
Or that it’s actually meant to be easy
And try something else
Like …… returning to your factory settings
The factory ( aka Source Energy ) holds the answers to all that is
It actually knows best
That’s why it’s there
It’s explored all the options & calculated all the risks
And it’s not in charge
It just is
It simply exists
It’s just busy , being
While you are busy exploring being human
The factory doesn’t make choices
It responds to yours
It doesn’t judge
It can’t see race , colour , preference , opinion , gender
It’s not your parent or predictive
It’s only task is to be
And just for the record
It loves it , it’s fun & it never tires of just going through the motions
Doing what it does
Please know we use the terms “ right ” & “ wrong ” loosely
It’s what you , as humans , currently relate to
It’s talk that arrests you
For the record , we don’t believe in “ right ” and “ wrong ”
We don’t need it
For us , there’s only what exists & better
That , in itself , is another discussion
And we’ll have it , stay tuned
Much love
4 Aug 2020