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Evidential Mediumship Reading with Kate

1 Hour

Evidential Mediumship Reading

An Hour with Hope

1 Hour Interactive Channelled Session with Hope

” You’re a What Now?? “

” You’re a What Now?? “

10 Dec , 2024Two of the most asked questions I get lately are   “Lost your password?” Which clearly comes from a device And “What do you do?” Which mostly comes from a person   And when I think about how to answer the later It often crosses my mind, first...

” The year of YES “

” The year of YES “

21 Nov , 2024Hey there! I made a post last week And someone asked……   “ Where have you been??”   In short “I been BUSY" Yeah, busy BEING! Being “Me”   I decided a year ago to do some study To deliberately stretch my “spiritual self” And to follow a path...

“The Other Side”

“The Other Side”

14 November , 2024I’ve consciously realised lately…. In the realms of personal growth New learning Life exploration Seeking greater understanding And lasting engagement with all things being human "I lean in" I head straight for stuff Sometimes the eye of the storm...

A I  ?

A I ?

1 December , 2023You have at your disposal a means of connection that can assist you in your daily life Many of you have mixed feelings about its capabilities Or in fact its use or effectiveness  A lot of you have not attempted to use it and see absolutely no use for...

But What if

But What if

24 November , 2023You have this way of saying BUT! What if…… As in, What if this happens!!? Or But, what if That DOESN'T happen!!???? It’s a pointless exercise Either way Fear leads you to places That don’t exist Well they didn’t  Until you actioned them with your...

Make the Moment

Make the Moment

8 November , 2023This moment is what you make it It’s important when you’re looking for answers or seeking change to find someone or something that speaks your language To align yourself with that which makes sense to you Or brings you peace or contentment in it’s...

Welcome to the Newbies

Welcome to the Newbies

23 Sept , 2023After yesterdays post……   This morning a brand new Being Made their presence known They call themselves “Kismet”   And here’s what they had to say….   “To truly love another You must love the self   The source of all love Is Self Love...

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

22 Sept , 2023Today when I woke up There were people waiting to chat Just like most days   I meet new people everyday There’s a steady stream of them They approach me throughout the day While I’m doing the washing Driving the car Cooking dinner They are all...

Just Flippin Freaking Out

Just Flippin Freaking Out

4 Sept , 2023Why am I doing this?   Today it applies to business Why am I bothering What am I doing???   Yes, there are reasons Of course there’s reasons….. I’m as skilled as the next guy At connecting the dots Or making my time sound like it's worth...

Join The Joy