Ask & You Shall Receive
6 December , 2021
This Fundamental
In essence , could not be any simpler
Ask & You Shall Receive
It is law
Law of Attraction
The sticking point
is that so many of you
have absolutely no awareness of what you’re asking for
That you are in effect , magnets to all your Wants
Those you desire openly & those you wish to blame on life , circumstance , or another
The key to real alignment of all that is
Is deliberate asking
Being present
Action that’s born from itself
Realization that is connected to your Vortex & in turn Source Energy
You are a vibrational Being
Constantly emitting energy
Forever attracting like minded energy to you
What is your energy saying about you
Your Wants are simply your energy put into words
You are a beacon to what you are asking for
It is on it’s way to you
And forever
Reach for the being , doing & having that brings Joy
Do it deliberately
Much love
1 Dec 2019