Baggage Luggage or both
24 August , 2022

Have you got Baggage , Luggage or both
What are they even
Do you know?
Can you be open with yourself about what ,which , and if……
For starters, baggage is the stuff you drag around after you
It’s outdated thoughts and feelings that keep occurring and don’t benefit you anymore
It weighs you down and usually has heavy negative emotion attached to it
It’s from the past and lingers in your Now with designs on travelling to your future
If you’ll buy it a ticket
In some cases you may be travelling with it as an unknown companion
Your life could be in a constant circuit of the same results
But you could explore being a solo passenger
Or better yet
The pilot of your own life
If you’re unaware of what you’re taking with you from one moment to the next
or your repeated reactions and responses to what’s going on day to day
it’s highly likely
that you’re behaving the same way over and over
Your behaviour could be predictable to those around you
They may know how you are going to respond to certain events well before you
You may have a history
A pattern
And all that’s just fine
If the results are full of fun and promise and freedom
If you meet with pleasure and the results bring you joy
Carry on
It’s not baggage
It’s busy Being
If however, you find yourself wanting different results
Other outcomes
then it’s worth taking a look
In your exploration
you may wish to be supported by the benefit of someone else’s observations
Ask someone close
Someone who cares
Or that you trust
Remember, it’s just something to consider
There may just be a kernel of insight in their observation
You don’t have to accept it
You don’t have to feel bad
But if you are genuinely looking for a way forward
Or a way out
Taking a look , can’t hurt
To action anything, still remains entirely your decision
You are the only one who can make change
in your own life
Baggage makes you tired
It wears you out
Often the sheer effort it takes to have it close by exhausts you
And you may just let it go
Let it slip away
and lag behind as you continue on
As we say, this is possible
But more often
As humans
Your instinct is to hold on
To struggle
And it remains
Often your struggle or oblivious cycle is met by something unexpected or painful
This creates change
It can go either way
New beginnings
Or new ways of continuing with what was
Please know with all certainty
If you are open to change
It doesn’t take much to action a fresh start
To create with ease and build on that
Huge trees all grow from a tiny seed
Lets talk luggage
Not Louis Vuitton or Bottega Veneta
More like
Steamer trunk versus backpack
Baggage versus Luggage
Luggage is the fab stuff you carry around with you
It’s the thoughts you think that lift you up
Have you travelling well prepared for whatever’s on offer
The staples that not only feel weightless, but actually serve you
The actions, behaviours and habits that create growth and remove limitation
Regular observations of your Baggage can be part of your Luggage
The act of taking a look and cleaning out what’s not needed is useful practice
Because “Thoughts become Things”
And Baggage is simply a residue of repeated thinking that somewhere you turned into a Belief
Baggage can become Luggage
You just need to be open to change
Shift your Thinking
Get curious
Start to wonder what else is out there
Explore possibility
Then, you’re creating Luggage
And releasing Baggage
Your luggage throughout your life will change
as your needs and wants morph
You can notice your growth as you progress from travel trunk , to suitcases on wheels , to single compartment backpack
Depending on where you’re headed
Or where you’re coming from
Your needs may fluctuate
You might bounce around from checked luggage to carry on, with an occasion or two for oversized…..
It’s all good
Luggage is great
It’s a little like the magicians bag of tricks
But to pull a rabbit out of your hat
You must first have a hat
It’s important to connect with the behaviours that work for you
And to keep them and grow them
At least until they no longer serve you
If you’re looking for tips
Or a place to begin
Or something to think about
Take a look at the 7 fundamentals we layed out
Finding Joy
The Well Being
Creating starts with a Thought
Feel Your Way
Ask & you Shall Receive
Remember to be Grateful
There’s more detail in the individual posts
There’s all you’ll ever need in these 7 concepts
They are like throwing a few white t-shirts , a pair of jeans & a toothbrush in a bag and heading out
Life can unfold from them
It can be easier and freer than you’ve known it to be
You can create at will
Laugh your way through all sorts of adventures
See your way clear of stuff that’s held you back or had you travelling in circles
You can stop leaving drag marks
Unpack your luggage
Leave your baggage at the door
Check in to your life
Enjoy the ride
Send us an email if you’re stuck somewhere
We can help with connecting flights or your next destination
Much love
Happy travels
22 August, 2022