Creating anything starts with a Thought
3 December , 2021

In your wildest dreams , what do you want
If you can think , or imagine it , it can happen
Ok , so this is where it all starts
Let’s not overthink it
Just know
That Thoughts
Become Things
This is why , it’s what you think that counts
Oh & yeah , it doesn’t happen instantaneously
You need a delay
Stop complaining about it
It’s there for your own protection
You’d have too many pink unicorns otherwise……..
You might think you feel stuff first , but that’s just your human compass reacting to your thoughts
For many of you , you’re just more tuned in to your feelings , so you believe they register first
There’s really no good reason to labour this
The important points are :
*Dream , don’t obsess
*When you’re actually heading in the right direction , be specific
( And yes , we’ll cover knowing if you’re going the right way later )
( Yes , & how to actually get there )
( And yes , we agree wholeheartedly , that this is REALLY important)
*How you think quite literally creates your life
Where are you spending your time , & 0n what kind of thoughts
Because THAT’S what’s making it’s way to you
Your point of attraction will be whatever you’re investing your time in thinking
This feeds into Law Of Attraction
And it’s truly awesome when you know what you’re doing
( Again , we WILL get to that )
( And yes , we get you’re excited & that’s the bit you care about most )
( No. You can’t really master what’s on offer with just this one Fundamental , they actually fit together , they work in harmony & synergy with each other )
( Listen , go play “Jenga” with just one block………… )
( See! )
For the record….
We think you’re amazing!
Much love
5 Aug 2020