29 June , 2023

Just what is it
What’s the big deal
Feelings are your bodys’ internal guidance system
Intuition is your spiritual guidance system
Your energy consciousness
It tethers you to all you are in this lifetime
And every other in your experience
All your accumulative energy of past present and future “you’s” is present in your intuition
Your soul’s heartbeat is your intuition
And each body you inhabit is harnessed to the collective intuition you have
Pretty powerful
To know that the investment you’ve made across lifetimes, carrys on
That all that knowing , is at your disposal
It remembers
And stores
And nurtures
All you’ve ever learned
All you’ve ever felt
All you’ve ever been
All your accumulated knowledge
You all have it
Your only difference
Is the value you place on it
How strong your relationship to it is
And how much and how often you listen to it
Exercise it
Allow it
Encourage it
Grow it
The strength and power of this one characteristic should not be underestimated
It is not flawed
It is never wrong
It does not lie
It , like the soul
Never dies
Within its wisdom
Are all the answers
To all the self discovery
You could ever request access to
Much Love