It’s just Me
4 April , 2022

It’s me
Tonight I was reminded how life supports me
How it always has
That’s not to say I don’t know despair or feeling lost or even down right depressed
And throughout my life I’ve had good reason
My experience has had it’s share of events that could leave you wanting to pack it in
But then…………..
Something happens
Like my husband saying “ you want to see a bunch of otters eating popcorn? “
and I DO
And I know beyond all doubt
Beyond any uncertainty
That life is speaking to me
It’s calling to me gently
It’s holding my hand
It’s making sure , I get the message
The real point
And because I have boundaries
And because I want to push them
And grow beyond where I’m at today
I’m listening
Sometimes , I really really hate what I hear
But I listen anyway
Cost’s nothing , right…..
To just keep an open mind
Or not commit straight away
To pay attention
To notice how I feel
And , about what , I feel
I truly love the connection I have to the energy that surrounds me
And meets me
And IS me
Life’s good
In fact
It’s great
Even when I’m fighting it
I’ve come to know that sooner or later
Trust will return
It will be my dominant vibration
And I’ll calm the fuck down
And settle in
And carry on
It’s ALL good
And I’m ALL right
And I’m exactly where I’m meant to be
Just being ME
Kate xx