Just Thinking
9 December, 2021

If you want to move on
Or create something different
Or stop being stuck
Or are sick of what you have…
From a place of lack
The only action you need take is to start thinking
Contemplating actually
Not even complete thoughts
Just what if’s
Because in the thinking , is where the shift occurs
IT IS the action
When you have the thought that
“ I can have a different thought ”
“ I’ll think about it ”
“ What am I thinking , how am I thinking ”
Or , we’d recommend…..
“ I want to think stuff that feels good ”
Even just thinking about thinking!
That’s the shift
Nothing will ever be the same again after that point
It’s moved on & something aligns
You have created a brand new Leading Edge
And as small & insignificant as that may seem
It’s everything
And then some
Once you question thinking , you’ve questioned your thinking
And that is change
And tiny degrees of change CREATE
They create MORE
More of everything
They are your new point of attraction
And the Law Of Attraction is powerful and all encompassing
It’s the creator of all that is
So , KNOW your thoughts are gold
And they count like nothing else can
They are your real wealth
The way you think
Changes the way you feel
And the way you feel is your clearest indication of how your life is tracking
Your feelings help you connect with your happy
With what you call Joy
Joy is a wonderful way to spend time
Either seeking it , or being it
It’s all good
Cause it’s ALL right
If your thoughts are focused on the having of Joy
It will arrive
Be ready
Much love
12 April 2021