The 2 tool Kit
19 Jan , 2023

Maybe it’s more of a Tool belt…..
Makes for easier access
And quickdraw action
Could be quite the fashion accessory…..
You have 2 tools that are all you need for a life of freedom and joy
(wear them how you wish )
And they both happen in the body
Thinking and Breathing
Breathing creates space
And space allows room for thoughts
And thoughts create results
(Remember: Thoughts become Things)
( Ok ?…)
Both can be held
But not touched
Again , in this vehicle you have for life
A body
Nowhere else
In this way
Does energy manifest itself as it does here on planet earth in a physical , human , body
When you breathe
And think
These 2 actions
Are unique
And powerful
They were deliberately part of your design
They are a team
Use them to speed things up
Or slow things down
Understand that one can affect the other
They have synergy
Slow your breathing
Quiet your mind and your thoughts
If your thoughts are racing and uncontrolled
Your breath , is likely chasing them to catch up
If you make your breathe your point of focus
Your point of attraction
It holds the space
For your thinking to create with ease and freedom
To be selective and intuitive
To grow
Not gush
Use them to grow who you are
Understand how they function
They are building blocks
To a life you love
Much love
13 October 2022