Think Energy
26 August , 2023
The mind thinks, and the body follows
The mind is the thinking mechanism
The body is the doing mechanism
Thought is of the body
In this way
This connection is a human manifestation
It is one of the many unique things you experience and explore when you decide to incarnate your Energy here
Here as a human
With a body
In physical form
You have yet to understand
That thought
Is a communication tool, of the Human
It was only ever determined to assist the process of using your energy as a Human body
You get so caught up in how Thought is irrelevant to the process
And living your Human existence
It is an expression of “All That Is“
It is a building block
It is an enhancement indicator and creator
Thought itself is Conciousness
Every thing in existence
Is in itself
A form of Conciousness
And Energy
Because it is made up OF Energy
And was made manifest BY Energy
This is where we circle back and ask pause to digest
“That all in Existence is Energy”
The things themselves, tangible or otherwise, the feelings and emotions, felt or just known of
AND the processes or powers of creating all these
Is Energy
Really as humans
You do well
To take anything you have
Or can put a name to
Or use words to explore or explain
And it is ALL Energy
This you may grasp more….
Anything known to you, is Energy
Anything imagined, is Energy
Anything perceived, is Energy
You see??
When we say “ALL”
We mean “ALL”
Much Love
6 August 2023