Why do I have to deal with crap that annoys Me?
8 April , 2022
Why do I have to deal with crap that annoys me ?
Ok , at the risk of annoying you…..
Firstly , we’d like to tell you
“ that you don’t ”
As in , you don’t have to deal with anything that annoys you
Let’s be clear
It’s a choice you make
Let’s be REALLY clear
ANYTHING that is part of your experience
Is there at your invitation
It doesn’t just show up randomly
You are emitting something in your energy that is calling a response like you’re getting
You can do whatever you want
Whenever you want
But so the f#*? can everyone else
It’s not an exclusive right
You all have it
So if you’re getting responses to your behaviour because others don’t like it
Guess what !
You’re not on your own
People are allowed not to enjoy what you’re doing
Just like you’re allowed to dislike , or be ticked off , or call stuff in your experience “crap”
They are allowed to choose for themselves too
You both are
Thing is
You’re doing it together
at the same time , about the same things , maybe for different reasons
maybe feeling the same way about different things……..
We’re sure you get the point
The only absolute in what you’re being , doing , or having
Is that you’re all choosing it
The trick is to respect that you have differences
And that there’s room for all those differences
And because like energy attracts like energy
You’ll end up with your own crowd
Just being who you are
Of course this applies to all scenarios……
Some HOW
Some WAY
For some REASON
YOU are sending a signal
and life
and people
and crap
are attracted to your signal
Note to self :
It will probably 100% , more than likely , be that you’re a vibrational match to each other
Stop sending the same signal
and you’ll create a shift in what you attract
Your energy attracts TO IT , energy like itself
You are not the exception
Not sorry……
The way to tell what you’re putting out there
Is the response you’re getting
What’s showing up
If your life is reflecting things or people you’d rather not
You need to get curious
Explore what’s going on in your thought process
Where are you spending your time when you think about stuff
What are your beliefs surrounding certain subjects
And is it time to update them
Or start again
Are you actually using someone else’s beliefs or benchmarks as your own
Pay more attention to what you’re focusing on
Where is your attention
What are you feeling as you experience the crap you mention
If your mood is one of aggression or frustration or superiority
The message you’re sending is that you want more of the same
A shift in how you are in your life
attracts something different to it
If you can start a new habit of changing your own energy
what is attracted to you will shift also
It will continue to match what you’re putting out there
But if your energy levels up to something more pleasing
You’ll find the crap will become less and less
Wherever you set your attention
Is the signal you’re asking for a response to
If that’s a difficult task for you
Then start with just wanting to feel better
Anything better than what you’ve already got going on
Well , better than what you’ve already got going on
and you can’t argue with that
You choose to
And in that case
we’re out
You can argue with yourself
or someone just like you
We’ll be over there with the party energy
or even the feel good energy
or just the “ I’m learning more about myself every day” ENERGY
or maybe , the , I’m gonna feel this until I can see why I’m doing it and change ENERGY
Energy is energy
It’s attracted to itself
And it really enjoys the company of similar or same energy
All energy is good
Either cause you can feel a pleasing result in it’s company
Or it shows you where you’d rather be
It’s important to note
That anything other than joy or happiness or positive energy
is still useful
Feeling sad
or confused
or annoyed
Is part of the journey
They are something on your way to somewhere
They can be inspiring
And sometimes soothing
It’s just worth feeling comfortable with your own energy
And knowing you have the power to change or guide it
Wherever you want
Whenever you want
Because you want
Choose on purpose
As many times as you want
Much love
3 April 2022