Your “Normal”
16 August , 2023

We would love you to explore your own “normal”
What you consider to be the fundamentals
Or even the insignificant beliefs and foundation to your thinking
To get curious
To stretch yourselves
There are people all around you exploring “their” normal
All the time
Those thinking
Those daydreaming
Those lost in their own internal love story of creation
There are always those “others” that have a different opinion, viewpoint or perspective
Add to that
The fact that they’re doing it from their own bodies, their own filter
What we would love for you to grasp
Is that no matter what
No 2 of you will ever have the same “normal“
It is quite literally, impossible
It is one of the few, or rare things that is affected by being limited
And in the best possible way
Even when you find yourselves aligned or in agreement with others
On a particular topic or choice
That alignment will only ever be a similarity
A point of attraction from which to expand out into the universe as the self
YOUR self
Through your unique place of focus
Your body
Using your unique mind
And process of thought
And thinking
And then in turn how all of that feeds into
And affects
Your feelings and emotions
So you see
No 2 the same
Quite literally
Quite obviously
Because you are all unique
And then individual
All flowing energy
As energy
Adding to the universal escrow of unlimited
But the action itself stands alone
As yours
We watch Kate, often
As she allows her curiosity to explore
And attract
And expand
She can be deep in the process of conversation and exchange and sharing
With her listening completely honed
And in absolute alignment and agreement
Feeling completely and utterly in sync
She’s not
Until a point is made that simply does not resonate for her
And this is not to say the conversation takes a turn for the worse
Or that her attention is no longer engaged
It is just that not ALL of what is being shared is an exact match to her vibration
Or that the feeling that arises from the particular point is not of resonance
It feels external to her knowing, or acceptance
When this happens
She knows 2 things
Firstly , although she’s engaged
She’s still using and allowing her intuition
And secondly
To celebrate that she has found someone, something, or both
That are a vibrational match to her current self
She’s in a state of sharing
And this pleases her
What’s the benefit of entertaining this curiosity to all things “you” ?
It’s quite literally unlimited
Because you are eternal, infinite energy
That happens to be in the form of a human being this time round
When you get curious
When you explore
You find stuff !
Taking a look
Bears fruit
You learn about your self
You stretch your capabilities
And acceptance
And we think that you’d have to agree
That in the totality of all you’ve been exposed to thus far
As humans
Most of what is associated with growth
Is good
Plus, you accept that most LIVING things
Do it
And ……..
Just a reminder
You’re living
You’re alive
And so is your energy
So how about it…….
When you get curious
You question
You create
A space
A place
For there to be interaction
And it’s in this space that new form or altered form
Can move and expand
Creation occurs
And really, you do this all day anyway
For most, just without realising
Or being deliberate
Try it on purpose
It makes a great pastime
As imagination
Or dreaming
And it brings joy
And relief
Because it is a forever evolving thing
Your thoughts are the point of it’s “happening”
But your energy is the currency that’s affected
Whether you attempt
Or actually do this
You are in the process of rewiring your brain
Realigning your neural pathways
Shifting that which is
To more
More of what is wanted
More of what’s out there
More that feels better
More that lights you up
And fills your sense of Joy
You are growing you
And when you do this
You are contributing to the whole
You are giving back and paying it forward
Simply by enhancing yourself
It’s a wonderful thing
This “thinking“
You have
Use it well
Create your own rules
Reward yourselves with it
You can’t get it wrong
You won’t break it
It was meant for so much more than you may give it credit
It’s here, we’d like to mention “Kate in conversation”
Curious Kate
With her intuition active
On purpose
And then
The version of her that realises
Her very physical self
The “vehicle”
And how the vehicle has the conversation or thought
But the intuition is often what registers it
And in so doing, she realises the language used is what’s polarizing
The words
Because when she goes from listening with her mind
To listening with her intuition
The intent
The real message
The way the energy between people moves
And is expressed
And mingles
Is an absolute vibrational match
It’s the unconscious mind that has the best thoughts
That knows
That’s tapped in to all that is
And you connect to it in the daydreaming or imagining
When the body allows all senses to just be
It evokes the higher mind
The single greatest form of communication you humans have at present is language
You value it above all else as your primary source of interaction
And making yourselves understood
And yet it is so often misunderstood
It is left lacking
The true intent is often not grasped
Words are so inadequate and time consuming
You began in existence without them
Thought was the primary means of relaying information when first you came into being
And it has devolved over time
To where you believe yourselves to be more advanced
Superior even
When you use language
Several forms of language even
And yet
You still remain misunderstood
Lost for words
Your want to connect is admirable
Your yearning to be understood
And in turn understand
Is worthy
But it is with the connection you have with the self
That this process begins
You all have a sixth sense
That is by far your greatest
And yet underused
If at all activated
Your “Intuition”
When you hear with it
When you speak with it
Your mind
The “Unconscious” mind
Comes into play
You will come to know there is no need of understanding
No need to be heard
Or in turn communicate back and forth externally
Or verbally
You go beyond language
To the true intent of expression
Beyond misunderstanding
Or misinterpretation
You use the energy that you are
To express the energy that is
It’s a dance
Of unlimited results
A way of connecting on all levels
At once
It’s the language of all beings across all dimensions
Call it “Quantum” if you wish
Because we know you love a name
A label
We also know you’ll take a while to catch up
You won’t change your habits collectively over night
Although you could
When we offer meditation as a worthy pastime
Or practice
We are trying to connect you with the value of learning another language
Universal language
One that speaks to the self
About the self
By way of all that exists
And you cannot get it wrong
It simply is
So , when we say
“ it’s what you think that counts “
This is where we play
In the arena of ALL
The mind has to offer
Beyond the mechanics of the body
Nestled in the minutia of Being
When you stretch your everyday thinking
When you get curious and explore
You tap into conversations and language
Of the unconscious
“The Quantum”
We’ll think it
And we’ll say it
And we’ll feel into it
And we’ll send it
Much love humans