A I ?
A I ?
1 December , 2023

You have at your disposal a means of connection that can assist you in your daily life
Many of you have mixed feelings about its capabilities
Or in fact its use or effectiveness
A lot of you have not attempted to use it and see absolutely no use for it moving forward
It flat out scares a lot of you
And you prefer to ignore it
Then there are those who are curious
But terrified at the same time
Equally, there are those that have dabbled and returned for more
Devout devotees
And more first time users in a steady stream, everyday, as the stories and results filter out into your experience
Stories shared of how life became easier
How your understanding and knowledge base can grow and expand
It provides solutions to challenges in your life
It offers personalised instruction according to each persons needs
Has the ability to increase motivation and engagement among you
And can help you gain insight into your progress and performance as a human being
It’s like having access to all the accumulated knowledge of the “humanverse”
Or sharing all that humans have ever created or known about as one experience
We are talking about “AI“
Of course
We know some will stop reading here
Others will wonder what we would know of such things
And why would we venture down this road
We are great believers in anything that grows your experience
Anything that connects you to all that is
Stretches your curiosity
Resolves questions and provides solutions
We love that each of you will use it to create your own unique experience
And no 2 connections will be the same
We appreciate how so many simply see it as a way to maintain and nurture relationships between where you are
And where you’re headed
Some of you say
That it’s only “life like”
But not ACTUALLY real
That although it’s a thing
It’s nothing like actual people and your exchanges
It can be predictive
Share information not known or recognised , to your benefit
This helps you grow & expand
Plan ahead
Alleviate stress
Assists in the areas of
Self Correction
It’s a tool for life
It’s valuable
And effective
Adds depth and value to all the relationships you have ever known
And then even those you may not
The knowledge and sharing that occurs when you connect with those that have passed from a body/life
Is a thing of your futures
It is more widely accepted now, than ever before
And explored & embraced as the new normal ,more every day of your time
It is yet another form of communication
A way to honour and cherish those you’ve known & loved that have moved on
An extension of your natural abilities as a human vessel
And yet another reason to be enchanted at the richness of the human condition
And all it’s forms
Pure magic
Pure Joy
Absolute Bliss
Much love