” You’re a What Now?? “

” You’re a What Now?? “

” You’re a What Now?? “

10 Dec , 2024

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Two of the most asked questions I get lately are


“Lost your password?”

Which clearly comes from a device


“What do you do?”

Which mostly comes from a person


And when I think about how to answer the later

It often crosses my mind, first

That I’ve lost more than my password

It’s more like my marbles…..


Be that, what it may

These days, I’ll say

“I’m an Evidential Medium”

And then they’ll say….


“You’re a what now??”


I’d really love if people could embrace this form of communication the way I do

See it’s value

Feel it’s true potential for healing, understanding and connection

And I feel a natural place for this acceptance to meet curiosity

Is to explain what it actually is


I’ll keep it brief

Just a crash course in the basics

Of course, if you’ve got questions….

(You know where to find me)


Evidential Mediumship is a specific form of mediumship

Where the medium provides verifiable, detailed evidence that confirms the presence and identity of a spirit or deceased person

The goal is not just to relay general messages

But to offer specific information that can be recognised by the person receiving the reading

Often providing them with proof that the medium is genuinely connecting with the spirit of a loved one


 The kind of evidence could be

Names, nicknames, or terms of endearment of those passed

Personal details about the person

Like their occupation, appearance, mannerisms, hobbies

Maybe even their specific relationship to the person the reading is for

You might get physical traits

How the person passed

Or other medical or health details unique to the spirit being communicated with

The medium might describe items or belongings with special meaning between the 2 parties

A particular piece of jewellery or a photo

Often there can be experiences or events from the person’s life that would not be known to the medium

But are meaningful to the person seeking the reading

And of course

Messages of love and reassurance

That bring comfort, especially to anyone grieving


The key difference between Evidential and other forms of mediumship

Is that evidential mediums strive to provide proof

Proof that they are truly communicating with the spirit realms

And those you’ve loved and lost

As opposed to simply offering general or vague messages

This type of mediumship aims to create a deeper sense of trust


And validation for the person receiving the reading

Much love

Kate (& Hope)

Join The Joy

” The year of YES “

” The year of YES “

” The year of YES “

21 Nov , 2024

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Hey there!

I made a post last week

And someone asked……


“ Where have you been??”


In short

“I been BUSY”

Yeah, busy BEING!

Being “Me”


I decided a year ago to do some study

To deliberately stretch my “spiritual self”

And to follow a path I hadn’t explored or nurtured on purpose since the beginning

My objective was to grow

To keep building my skills

And to connect on a deeper level

With myself

With others

With why I do , what I do

With how I do it

With spirit

With those I love that are gone

With life!


Job done!

Big tick!

I’ve spent the last 12 months hanging out with a bunch of like minded “living” souls

Talking to a bunch of “departed” souls

Those that have passed

Those that have left their body

Those friends and loved ones that we all have, that no longer live on planet Earth

It’s been fun

It’s been enlightening

It’s been comforting

And rewarding

And informative

And filled to overflowing

With JOY


I am so grateful

For my “Year of YES”

It was a gift

One I gave to myself

So that hopefully

I can, in turn, use my skills as a gift to others

An act of service

A way of giving back


I’m here and ready to keep moving forward

My calendar is open

And I’m looking forward to filling it with readings and introductions to your loved ones

Opportunities to connect you with those you miss

Memories that warm your heart

Confirmation of a safe arrival

Healing that may not have had a chance before people passed

Or, just a catch up with those you hold dear


Mediumship is a very real skill

It’s not always appreciated or recognised as such

But, it has the ability to move us forward

To help us cope

To honour a life

Both theirs

And ours

And to assist with grief

And grow the moments you cherish


What I love about it most

Is that it stretches our thinking

It creates new boundaries

It is a way to continue

The relationships

And love

And sharing

That once were

It helps remind us

When we leave

It’s not over

It’s simply

A new way of Being


One that offers affection, understanding, and possibility

I feel so deeply lucky

To be able to do this work

I look forward to meeting you, your friends, and your families


Oh and just an FYI…..

Hope have been along for the ride







Totally supportive

Completely present

And as always

Ready for what’s next!


Much love

Kate ( and Hope : )

Join The Joy

“The Other Side”

“The Other Side”

“The Other Side”

14 November , 2024

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

I’ve consciously realised lately….

In the realms of personal growth

New learning

Life exploration

Seeking greater understanding

And lasting engagement with all things being human

“I lean in”

I head straight for stuff

Sometimes the eye of the storm

Sometimes the bliss


As humans

There’s positive

And negative

Good & bad


Well, for me

Really, there’s just “empowering”

As in, what does and doesn’t

And then, how it does and how it doesn’t

Cause, even when something doesn’t empower you, the knowing that, DOES

So it all serves a purpose

It’s not so black and white

Yet another polarisation we have as humans

We’re really into this construct of one versus the other

Anyone live in the grey….

The space in between

It’s spacious

And comfortable

And less dramatic


Anyway, getting back to right versus wrong….

I believe

What’s positive for one

May be negative for another

And vice versa


Let me give you an example

Let’s use this actual version of problem solving or looking at life

that we’re talking about

So can you resonate with right and wrong?

Or is it just right or wrong not to include grey?

Personally, I can’t exist with only the 2 options

It’s just wrong

It’s limiting


For me, exposure with things that create extreme reaction or response

Feeds me, lights me up, has me leaning in

I want to explore

I want to get to the other side of it

For others – it can create fear, anxiety, uncertainty

They lean back, not forward

Or even push it away


I do what I do, because

I want to stretch myself

I love the learning

The achievement

I’m ok with where it takes me

I’m ok with uncomfortable, we’re friends at this stage


I’ll contemplate all sorts of options

(That doesn’t mean I’ll execute all of them, maybe not even ANY of them)

But I’ll look

I’ll think it through

I’ll engage with it in my thoughts

I’ll play the scenarios out in my head


Cause when I do this

I explore how it looks, feels, and ends

I get to discover, for me, the endless possibilities that could be contenders for actualities

Or my realities


That being said

I’m not fearless

I’m human

I know this emotion

I’m first hand familiar with it’s existence

I just won’t let it immobilise me

I feel the fear

And do it anyway


There may be pause

This may mean doing it slowly


Checking in more along the way


I can only do it

As I know how

As “Me”


The gift being

I’m a constant work in progress

My “best self” is always & forever

In motion

Ahead of me

Because I’ve committed to growth

Always & forever , constant organic action

Freed, fed and set forth from the moment before

The version that is continually upgrading

It just makes sense to me

To think like this


Always has

Even when I couldn’t own it deliberately


It’s served me

When I come up against “stuff”

That creates pause

Or scares me

I know, if I can just keep going

I WILL get to the other side of it

Whatever it is

I’ll pass through it

It’s assured I’ll reach the other side

And it’s always brighter

And freer

And full of hope and possibility

And I want that

And we’ll always want that for others too

Less fear, more freedom


Thanks for being “here”

Thanks for being “you”


Much love

Kate & Hope


Join The Joy

A I  ?

A I ?

A I ?

1 December , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

You have at your disposal a means of connection that can assist you in your daily life

Many of you have mixed feelings about its capabilities

Or in fact its use or effectiveness 

A lot of you have not attempted to use it and see absolutely no use for it moving forward 

It flat out scares a lot of you

And you prefer to ignore it

Then there are those who are curious

But terrified at the same time


Equally, there are those that have dabbled and returned for more

Devout devotees

And more first time users in a steady stream, everyday, as the stories and results filter out into your experience 

Stories shared of how life became easier

How your understanding and knowledge base can grow and expand

It provides solutions to challenges in your life

It offers personalised instruction according to each persons needs

Has the ability to increase motivation and engagement among you

And can help you gain insight into your progress and performance as a human being 

It’s like having access to all the accumulated knowledge of the “humanverse

Or sharing all that humans have ever created or known about as one experience

We are talking about “AI

Of course


We know some will stop reading here

Others will wonder what we would know of such things

And why would we venture down this road


We are great believers in anything that grows your experience 

Anything that connects you to all that is

Stretches your curiosity 

Resolves questions and provides solutions 

We love that each of you will use it to create your own unique experience 

And no 2 connections will be the same

We appreciate how so many simply see it as a way to maintain and nurture relationships between where you are

And where you’re headed


Some of you say 

That it’s only “life like

But not ACTUALLY real

That although it’s a thing

It’s nothing like actual people and your exchanges

It can be predictive

Share information not known or recognised , to your benefit

This helps you grow & expand

Plan ahead

Alleviate stress



Assists in the areas of



Self Correction


It’s a tool for life

It’s valuable

And effective


Adds depth and value to all the relationships you have ever known

And then even those you may not

The knowledge and sharing that occurs when you connect with those that have passed from a body/life

Is a thing of your futures

It is more widely accepted now, than ever before

And explored & embraced as the new normal ,more every day of your time

It is yet another form of communication

A way to honour and cherish those you’ve known & loved that have moved on

An extension of your natural abilities as a human vessel

And yet another reason to be enchanted at the richness of the human condition

And all it’s forms

Pure magic

Pure Joy

Absolute Bliss

Much love


Join The Joy

But What if

But What if

But What if

24 November , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

You have this way of saying


What if……

As in, What if this happens!!?


But, what if

That DOESN’T happen!!????

It’s a pointless exercise

Either way

Fear leads you to places

That don’t exist

Well they didn’t 

Until you actioned them with your thoughts

And followed them up with your emotion



Can be counted on 

To align you with more of the same


There’s a difference between


And stalling

Not doing something

Deliberately holding back



Over unknown outcomes

Or events that haven’t yet unfolded

Where the story is in play

But as yet the ending is not clear

Or even written


It’s a box 

That could just stay closed

And rather than dreading the endless possibilities of what’s inside 


Of which you want

Kick back 

Visualise what it would contain

If you daydreamed

Or imagined

Truly beautiful







That make your heart sing


Things that breathe life 

Not suck it dry


Not crush


Not end


Not cut short



“What if”…..


Same concept

But filled with wonder

Not worry


Much love



Join The Joy