See Yourself

See Yourself

See Yourself

27 Oct , 2022

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

To create with ease

You have to be able to see yourself in the version of your life that has your want


If you can’t imagine yourself there

You are still creating a match to the energy you are already in


What you are busy creating is more of the same


If you are taking too big a leap from where you are

to where you want to be

If it’s unbelievable or uncomfortable to you

Perhaps that’s because you’re not ready

Scale it back

Create a series of events

Steps in your desire to end up at a destination

That way your energy can level up as you go

Your acceptance of yourself grows as you move forward

The important thing is to remain in forward motion

To keep growing


If you are at odds with what you want or you’re not feeling it


Perhaps you’ve missed what your real want is


Like instead of having a million designer handbags……

You really just want to feel happy


Don’t mistake your wants and the results

Your feelings are integral in telling you where your real wants lie

If you’ve misunderstood the object of your desire to be something physical

When in fact it’s metaphysical, emotional or spiritual

Your feelings and emotions will be what offer the clues

When you’ve got the handbag and are still feeling less than

It’s a pretty clear indication

It’s not about the stuff

It’s about who you are

What you can be

And it’s internal

Even when you thought

It wasn’t

If you can’t imagine yourself in the version of your life that already has your want

You aren’t aligning your wants with your energy

You’re aligning your resistance or beliefs of what’s not possible

It’s like playing catch up

Your thoughts , feelings , body and energy all have to sync up

And create a vibration of alignment with each other

It’s important to sync your energy

The most immediate vibrational match you create

Is syncing your energy to your body

In effect what you’re doing is creating connection between solid matter, physical

To non physical energy, all you can’t see 

When this connects

Alignment is created

And energy travels this pathway with ease

To create a clear vibration

On purpose

Otherwise your confusion or indecision is the dominant signal you’re sending


Unless you’re in a state of bliss

Or your life is busy being joyful

You’re wanting something other than what you already have going on


If you can imagine yourself in the version of your life that is already being doing or having what you want

Your energy is busy creating a vibrational match

Not to the current moment

But a point in your future

It’s connecting with energy elsewhere

This is cause and effect in play

What you are being doing or having right now

Is affecting your experience to come


The universe is nothing but energy

And it likes to be in the company of energy that’s the same

It seeks it out

So your thoughts and feelings are a beacon to universal energy

They will find each other and align and Be

At the point of conception, your thoughts are busy sending a signal to the universe

Emitting your wants

Your feeling and emotions are supporting the thought

It’s a done deal after that 

Hold your vision steady and it will come to pass just as imagined or inspired

Grow it with how you feel

What it looks like

And it will arrive 

Otherwise , you’re just exploring the possibilities 

Window Shopping so to speak

Or of course creating more of what you already have going on

Dream big

Travel light

Breathe it all in

Pace yourselves

There’s no point your energy arriving at a destination

And your body is like lost luggage

As a physical Being

You need your body to experience your life

It’s the best part about having one

(A body)

(And a life)

All they can do together


Much Love


Join The Joy

No 1 Belief

No 1 Belief

No 1 Belief

17 Oct , 2022

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

When we talk about expansion

And growing who you are

And living a life that you love

And moving toward change

that creates more of what you want

and less of what you don’t


And we say

“You decide”

“You get to choose”

“You are in charge”


And we share with you

some of the untapped Laws of your Universe

And encourage you to try them out

Use them as you will


We are all about knowing deeply

And without doubt

That what we share works


So when it comes to thoughts

And your thinking


Your thoughts becoming things

And if you have the same thought over

and over

and over

It creates a BELIEF

And your beliefs are what run your life


There’s only ONE belief worth having


One that eclipses all others

One that will serve you your entire life

One that makes all things possible

One that brings and creates unlimited joy

Complete freedom

Absolute security


Belief in yourself

Self Belief


If you have just one Belief

Or just “one more”

Make it this one

If you choose to limit your beliefs

And what you’ll try out

Or buy into



Make it



Belief in who you are

Fosters security

Place your trust in the one person

you have complete control over

Invest in the source of all outcomes

Your life is nothing without you

Quite literally


You are here


In this body

By your own design

Choose you

Grow you

BE You


There is no getting it wrong

You cannot fail

Know that each moment of your life

leads to another

And they are yours

To explore and create

And grow

Who you want to Be


We sincerely

Without hesitation

With all the energy we can muster

Believe in You

Believing in You


Much love


Join The Joy

In Real Time

In Real Time

In Real Time

1 Oct , 2022

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Here at BBK we like to put our money where our mouth is


Guess what

I get to be the crash test dummy


Anyone who knows me

Knows my insatiable love of dogs

In particular, our Dog, Dennis

He’s sincerely a part of our family

His contribution to the love, is outstanding


Red hot on the heels of Hopes’ post yesterday

“ R & R directions “

I come downstairs this morning , ready for the onslaught of affection


No Dennis

I find him laying next to his bed in a crumpled heap

His look is desperate

And he starts to whine and yelp as he sees me


I’m thinking he’s hurt his leg

Take a look


I try to stand him up and he flops down


In this moment

My heart stops racing and starts thumping

My immediate decision is that we need the Vet

My next decision is to breathe

I know I have to

I need to

Cause if I pass out before I can help him

I’m useless

To both of us


I’m not gonna lie

I really , really want to freaking panic

And not just a little bit!


I stop myself

I’m talking out loud

Not only to Dennis

But myself

“ Just breathe” keeps running round the inside of my brain on a loop

And then I realise, I ACTUALLY have to DO IT

So I take 30 seconds

And literally cycle through 3 breaths in and out

Dennis is cradled in my lap

He’s quiet and comfortable

I’m feeling calmer and starting to connect thoughts


I remember that he got into macadamias last night

I quickly google

Maybe a mistake….


They are toxic to dogs!!!!


We are going to the Vet

We are not going to have an accident along the way

They will be able to fit us in

And it’s all going to be ok

Keep breathing


At this juncture

I don’t know HOW it’s all going to be ok

But I know that’s what I choose

I have thoughts of why do some terminal patients live and others don’t??

How can a blind man be a runner??


I know!!


Of my 2 options

For this to be really bad

Or it be alright

I’ve chosen

And I’m prepared for it to defy all logic and life as we know it


Then my mind moves to what my picture and feelings of “Ok” are

I think of him running towards me with that crazy grin he gets

I see him on the end of his lead trotting up the street

I imagine his take off as he flys after a ball

I tell myself this isn’t the end

It’s a hiccup

A reminder how much I love him

I imagine how relieved I feel when the Vet tells me he’s OK

Anything that puts my thoughts in a space that brings relief and makes me feel better

Now this is what’s going around in my head on a loop as I drive us to the Vet

It’s like a power point presentation on repeat


We get there

We see the Vet

He’s going to be OK

Once it passes through his system he’ll be good

This can take 24-48 hours

He’s actually through the worst of it while he slept

We won’t be running at the park in the next 2 days

Or will we…….


I know this technique

I’ve used it many times

But when it comes to the Beings I love and care about

It’s not always easy to pull yourself back from the edge

and just think for a second

Or more to the point

think again

and then again

until you lock onto a thought that can help create peace


It’s been said many times

many ways

“ Your breath is the most expedient connection you have in your body’s control to assist in regaining control or shifting how you feel ”

And it’s true


And yeah

you could say, “well if you’ve done this so many times, how come you’re not better at it”

Or “why do you still need to do it at all”

Good point!

In response, I believe it’s because I need to resuscitate my life less and less

and the long periods in between have me a little rusty

I’m human

And I don’t have all the answers

But I do have extended chunks of time where my bliss is a bubble that’s made of spandex

and I can’t remember when I needed to remember to “just breathe”


I love my life

I love my dog

And I love Hope

( and The Vet )


Kate x


Join The Joy